Why Choose IP TELECOM ? We would like to show you what can we offer for you.

IP Asia Transit
Our IP Network Service provides high-speed, high-capacity IP communications for major countries around Asia. Our peering arrangements combine with our asia IP backbone and dense metro footprint to deliver the highest levels resilience, redundancy and low latency with minimal hops and great performance.

Premium China Network
IP TELECOM has building the Premium China Network, via directly connected China Telecom CN2, China Unicom Global CU VIP, and China Mobile International CMI. With this Premium China Network, we would be able fulfill the demand of Fast and Low Latency Access to China Users.

Voice Wholesales A-Z Terminations
We providing A-Z International and domestic voice call terminations service to our reseller and wholesaler and offer excellent rates, our service is competitively priced on a per-minute basis and managed in real-time to help you build your investment in international voice business.
TechAvenue International Limited, is a technology company incorporated in Hong Kong which main focus is operating Data Center Services
and VoIP services in the region and global market.
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